

Facebook and Trump

Local Editorials

When Donald J. Trump was president, the presidency was not a bully enough pulpit for him (“bully” meaning excellent, as Theodore Roosevelt used it), he used social media as no president had before to spread his views and opinions to the public directly, to mock his opponents and praise his ...

Playing hardball on vehicle emissions

Local Editorials

Republicans in the Minnesota Senate have decided to play hardball on the issue of auto emission standards in the state. Hardball is the only game available to them, unfortunately. Republicans are willing to shut down the state parks, indeed, much of of the state’s environmental ...

Et Cetera…

Local Editorials

FEDA The Fairmont Economic Development Authority released its first-quarter report for the year 2021, and the report is good. Compared to last year there has been an increase in the three categories of building permits, planning, and zoning permits, and land disturbance permits. Under the ...

COVID rules to ease, power struggle remains

Local Editorials

Gov. Tim Walz announced a timetable for the easing and ending of the state’s COVID-19 rules on Thursday. The argument over his ability to make such rules in the first place continues on, however. Here’s what will happen with the rules: As of noon today (Friday) there will be no more ...

Some COVID practices that are worth keeping

Local Editorials

Gov. Tim Walz last week was speaking hopefully to business leaders about a possible turn of the COVID-19 dial to ease restrictions this summer, including a nearly normal Minnesota State Fair. His hopes were based on increasing immunization rates and a downward trend for new cases. We do need ...

Two weeks to go for Legislature

Local Editorials

The Minnesota Legislature has about two weeks left in its current session. The DFL-controlled House and Republican-controlled Senate have been looking for compromises to reconcile their budget proposals. Will they be able to bridge the gap in time? If recent history is any indication, no, they ...