'Tis the Season of signs in Minnesota
To the Editor:
Come on and show your creativity: Erect a super large sign and say anything you want. Use flashing lights to make sure everyone will see it.
For instance, say your neighbor is trying to sell his house and you want to discourage potential ...
School Funding in Minnesota: An operating levy vs. a referendum
To the Editor:
In order to understand why the MCW School District has a referendum on the ballot for May 14th, it is important to have a basic understanding of how schools are funded in Minnesota. Some have proposed that MCW ...
School Referendum aimed to address financial challenges
To the Editor:
If you have been following the news for the last few years, it is no surprise the MCW School District has been dealing with financial and facility challenges. These challenges are similar to those many school districts, ...
CREST salutes volunteers during Volunteer Month
To the Editor:
Enhancing the Quality of Life for Those We Serve. That is the mission statement for CREST and during the month of April CREST salutes the wonderful volunteers that help make the program successful. CREST volunteers offer vital ...
Fiscal sustainability
To the Editor:
What is the driving force behind the MCW referendum? Above and beyond all is fiscal sustainability.
That might seem like an interesting reason, as building a new school is not cheap. However, all other options paint a bleak picture for the future of OUR ...
Dark side to the lakes
To the Editor:
I would like to share my stories about growing up in Fairmont. It was a great town and I have a lot of happy memories from growing up on Hall Lake but there is a dark side to the lakes. I know the lakes were dredged to make them deeper and improve the ...