
Readers’ Views

MCW School District concerns

To the editor:

I write this letter to address the growing concerns I have in regards to the development plans for the Martin County West school that was voted on last spring.

As with any construction project, there have been many hurdles and road blocks that have needed to be addressed. The board members and committees have spent countless hours of decision making and their efforts have not gone unnoticed. I thank them for devoting their time and energy trying to resolve this major task to secure the future education of our children and grandchildren.

I would like to request that the Martin County West school board members hold an informational meeting to address the questions myself and other taxpayers have. After listening to recent school board meetings it is very concerning to hear what is being discussed. If changes to the original plan are being considered, the school board owes it to the public to address them before making any final decisions.

During the February 27th meeting, space for the gymnastics program, concerns for the cost of a professional track, as well as the thought of including a daycare facility were discussed. Another referendum for an addition to this $65 Million project or levy for operating expenses will be too much on our community. Families need to be able to pay their bills, keep a roof over their head and put food on the table. When it comes to family living expenses and running a business, the only way to cash flow is to live within our means.

The State of Minnesota is struggling with a $6 Billion deficit. There will be major budget cuts. We are up against politics that are out of our control that could also impact our Federal funding. I encourage the taxpayers of the MCW school district to do your research by going to the Martin County West website and listen to the past board meetings. https://www.martin.k12.mn.us/Page/25

On an end note, I ask that our community would continue to come together. Be kind, and acknowledge one another for their concerns and feelings.

Vickie Weber


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