

St. John’s, Duke highlight Final Four picks

Local Editorials

March Madness is in full swing, and fans of college hoops everywhere have spent time putting together their brackets in hopes of achieving the elusive perfect bracket. Why not throw my picks out there and participate in the fun? That being said, I will jump to my picks for who will be in the ...

Readers’ Views

Letters to the Editor

Goldfinch Estates commendable care for residents To the editor: Fairmont and surrounding communities, I just had to write this so people of Fairmont realize what they have in respect to Goldfinch Estates. My sister and I moved our mother into a two bedroom apartment there one month ago. ...

Readers’ Views

Letters to the Editor

Unfair and detrimental HUD housing practices Dear editor, I feel I must speak out for myself and many others in my current situation. I have lived in HUD housing for the majority of my life due to economic situations. I currently live in a property in Fairmont Minnesota, I plan to move to ...

Readers’ Views

Letters to the Editor

MCW School District concerns To the editor: I write this letter to address the growing concerns I have in regards to the development plans for the Martin County West school that was voted on last spring. As with any construction project, there have been many hurdles and road blocks that ...

Readers’ Views

Letters to the Editor

Consider supporting local non-profits To the editor: What are you doing Saturday, April 5th? If you replied, “Nothing,” consider checking out the Knights of Columbus Silent/Live Auction. This event will be held on Saturday, April 5th, at St. John Vianney’s School Gym. Doors open at 6 ...

Readers’ Views

Letters to the Editor

Stop politicizing child care The word “fraud” has been thrown around lately, especially in connection with child care in Minnesota. It’s important to remember, this is an old and familiar tactic. Cry fraud, then use the cry of fraud to discredit a program. The goal being to defund the ...