


Friday, July 29

3:04 a.m. — Police assisted an ambulance in the 1600 block of Blue Jay Blvd.

7:28 a.m. — Police received an animal complaint in the 1600 block of Ida St.

12:08 p.m. — Police received a threats complaint in the 1400 block of Woodland Ave.

12:37 p.m. — Police received a report of an ordinance violation in the 200 block of W. Anna St.

2:27 p.m. — Police received a report of a disturbance in the 1400 block of S. Prairie Ave.

4:06 p.m. — Police received a report of trespassing in the 1300 block of Johnson St.

4:09 p.m. — Police received a report of a disturbance in the 800 block of Johnson St.

5:48 p.m. — Police received a report of a disturbance in the 200 block of N. Park St.

5:55 p.m. — Police received a report of shoplifting in the 1200 block of Goemann Rd.

10:38 p.m.– Police assisted an ambulance in the 1100 block of Horatio St.

11:58 p.m. –Police received a report of suspicious circumstances in the Albion Avenue area.


Friday, July 29

8:00 a.m. — Authorities received a report of a civil disturbance in the 400 block of 180th Ave. in rural Fairmont.

4:03 p.m. — Authorities received a boating/water complaint from the Fairmont lakes.

11:26 p.m. — Authorities received an animal complaint in the 1000 block of 35th St. in rural Ceylon.


Friday, July 29

8:34 a.m. — Police received a report of a civil disturbance in the 400 block of Venn St. in Sherburn.

3:37 p.m. — Police received a noise complaint in the 500 block of N. Guide St. in Welcome.

5:04 p.m. — Police received a report of a civil disturbance in the 400 block of Venn St. in Sherburn.


Friday, July 29

12:08 a.m. — Police received a report of an ordinance violation in the 200 block of N. 2nd Ave, E.

1:48 a.m. — Police received a report of a civil disturbance in the 400 block of E. Ciro St.


Saturday, July 30

12:05 a.m. — Police received a report of a civil disturbance in the 1300 block of N. North Ave.

12:57 a.m. — Police received a noise complaint in the 500 block of Home St.

2:16 a.m. — Police received a report of a disturbance in the 100 block of S. Prairie Ave.

6:42 a.m. — Police assisted an ambulance in the 600 block of Burton Ln.

9:41 a.m. — Police received an animal complaint in the 300 block of N. Prairie Ave.

1:18 p.m. — Police received a report of an ordinance violation in the 100 block of Lake Park Blvd.

3:43 p.m. — Police received a report of narcotics found in the 200 block of Lake Ave.

5:04 p.m. — Police received a report of narcotics found in the 1500 block of Falcon Dr.

5:18 p.m. — Police assisted an ambulance in the Day Street area.

8:09 p.m. — Police received an animal complaint in the 10th Street area.

10:54 p.m. — Police received a fireworks complaint in the 1200 block of Victoria St.

11:23 p.m. — Police received a fireworks complaint in the 1100 block of N. Elm St.


Saturday, July 30

2:40 a.m. — Authorities received an animal complaint in the 1000 block of 35th St. in rural Ceylon.

10:00 a.m. — Authorities received a boating/water complaint from the Fairmont lakes.

4:23 p.m. — Authorities received a report of loud music in the 2000 block of Knollwood Dr.

5:19 p.m. — Authorities assisted an ambulance in the Day Street area.

6:46 p.m. — Authorities received a report of a suspicious person in the 2300 block of 210th Ave. in rural Truman.

10:35 p.m. — Authorities received a report of criminal damage to a property in the 1000 block of 90th Ave. in rural Sherburn.


Saturday, July 30

10:27 p.m. — Police received a fireworks complaint in the Elm Tree Trailer Court in Welcome.


Saturday, July 30

1:05 p.m. — Police received a report of a civil disturbance in the 400 block of E. Ciro St.

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