Welcome City Council talks sports complex
WELCOME — The Welcome City Council met on Tuesday evening and heard a request from Brooks Rohman from the Fox Lake Area Sports Complex as to the amount needed to maintain that ball diamond complex, taxes, operating expenses, and the end goal for the city.
The city also asked if he knew what the end goal was for the school district. The city asked if the school district wanted to buy or continue renting it. Rohman answered that that is why he requested the information about the complex. He wanted to know how much money it takes to keep the ball diamonds up. The disappearance of the backdrop was mentioned by councilor Glidden. It was explained by Rohman that the school athletics director said the backdrop was not usable, and took it out not knowing it was city property. The city did not know it had been taken out until the school asked that no rent was due since they could not use the ball diamond. Glidden asked if that was how it was going to be used. Right now the school pays rent and the city owns the complex and maintains it. The council asked the clerk to send him the information when she gets it collected. The council discussed the water and sewer increase and will wait until the audit is done next week to see what should be done.
The clerk’s report mentioned that city employee Dave Bach had passed his water treatment training and should be given the 50 cents raise the council promised. The council approved the raise. The clerk thanked the city for sending her to training and said it was excellent and she learned a lot. Police Chief, Trevor Yochim, reported that the new officer, Jared Shafer was almost ready to do solo duty. The new squad car was doing well, and the ordinance violations had been red-tagged.
Council reports included a request for damages payment to Robert Schultze for water damage to his furnace and other parts of his house. The council gathered the needed receipts and will turn them in to their insurance company.
Mayor Schmidtke reported that the Fire Association annual meeting was held. They mentioned the Easter Egg Hunt and Raffle permit, along with the usual business. The Joint Powers Committee will meet. This includes Welcome, Sherburn, Trimont, and Dunnell. Council Glidden reported that the EDA is concerned about covering expenses with the rent from their fourplexes.
Prior to the meeting there was a public hearing on the proposed ordinance about raising chickens in the city. This was the first reading of the ordinance. The next reading will be at the next meeting on April 1.
The next meeting of the Welcome City Council is at 6 p.m. on April 1 at City Hall.