
Remember burn site guidelines

WELCOME — The Welcome Burn Site will be open from 8 a.m. to noon tomorrow, March 22. This is for Welcome residents only. The wood should be six inches in diameter or smaller. Watch for snow plowing and street cleaning in Welcome. Remember, no parking until the street is clear from curb to curb. Thank you for your cooperation.

The Lake Promenaders Square Dance group will meet at 6 p.m. on Sunday, March 23 at the Shaw home at 804 West First Street. All dancers and watchers are welcome to join.

The Cribbage Tournaments are closed until fall.

Lenten Services at area churches continue. The Circle Of Faith Parishes will meet at 6 p.m. for supper and 7 p.m. services at Trinity Lutheran Church in Welcome. The St. Paul’s Community Church has Bible Study at 6 p.m. on Tuesday with lunch.

The American Red Cross blood drives will be on March 17 at St. John Vianney Catholic Church in Fairmont, March 28 at the LiveFit Gym in Fairmont, April 9 at Truman High School, April 14 at the Regional Worship Center in Sherburn and Martin Luther High School in Northrop, and April 18 at the American Legion Hall in Fairmont. To make an appointment or find blood drive locations and times in your area, call (800) RED-CROSS (800-733-2767), go online to www.redcrossblood.org, or text ‘BLOODAPP’ to ‘90999’. There is a critical need for blood at this time. Give blood if you are eligible. Thank you.

Heaven’s Table is available for Welcome residents. To be on the list, email heavenstable@gmail.com, call the office at (507) 238-5424, or contact the City Hall in Welcome at (507) 728-8740. Each person will be contacted regarding the pick-up date and time.

Upcoming events:

April Tuesday Coffee Hours at area churches will be from 8:30 to 10 a.m. each Tuesday at the Sinn Family Celebration of Life Center in Trimont.

The Welcome Historical Society Museum will open from 2 to 4 p.m. on April 1. The museum will have those hours on the first Saturday of each month until Sept.

An All-Class Welcome High School Reunion will be on July 26 at the Fox Lake Event Center in Sherburn. Pass the word and schedule vacation days to attend the festivities.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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