Council hears update on Tiny Home project
SHERBURN — The Sherburn City Council met on Monday evening. Matt Bury and family reported on the progress of the proposed Tiny Home project from Modern and Neighborly Company at 301 South Prairie.
The Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Mayor and councilman met and discussed earlier questions. The water meter would be for all 19 lots, comparable to apartments and/or four to six homes. Each lot would have a separate shut-off valve. Sewer lines should be available and electricity comes from FREA. The plan is for the lot to be one owner for the whole space with individuals renting and ownership at a later date. This area is currently zoned for mobile homes. Curb cuts may be needed for driveways. There needs to be two hearings after zoning is redone. One house would be occupied by the owner as construction takes place. when the lots are ready there are plans for three more to be moved. The council voiced confidence in the project.
A cannabis business ordinance was discussed with the Clerk basing the ordinance using the county ordinance for cannabis businesses. She will send the basic form to the city attorney and the first reading of the ordinance is scheduled for the April 7 meeting. The Clerk saw no violation of the ordinance proposed in the plan such as proximity to schools, daycare, or parks, and that there would be no public use (using on the street). There would be an inspection once a year. The council agreed with that plan.
In further business, the Deputy Clerk has been working on updates to the Utility Policy. The council approved the updates. The last update was in 2012. This streamlined the policy for the city, the residents, and property owners. The council thanked Deputy Clerk Sean Devenn for the good work.
The city employee reported that the library needed roof repairs and the company that patched it said it needs more. The budget had $2,500 saved for library operating expenses, which is owned by the city. The council asked the city employee to get two estimates for further repair. The city employee also reported on the Street Repairs that Bargen company’s quote was for $31,700+ for a black top. He and the council discussed streets that should be done and ones that could be planned for next year. There are no quotes for the patching as of the meeting date. The hydrants were also discussed, with two to be replaced for sure.
In other news:
— There was a request from Local Lumber to close Fairmont Street on April 26 for a cookout.
The city employee will provide street orange cones that day.
— The police report mentioned that the extra officer, Jared Schafer, is finishing his training and will soon be able to perform solo and that the new squad car is working well.
C– lerk Andrea Ballard reported that the ice maker at the Red Carpet may need to be replaced. It has been repaired but may not last since it required repair.
— The USDA funding for the new fire truck was discussed. The closing may not be until May but the interest is locked in at 3.5 percent. She will have information later about a grant called Paint The Town which may have free paint up to 100 gallons.
— The Clean Up Day is tentatively scheduled for a day in May. The price and size of the curb pickup should be the same as last year.
— There is a Green Leaf program that may be used for spring pickup.
Sherburn City Council’s next meeting is at 5 p.m. on April 7 at City Hall.