
Ceylon City Council looks at infrastructure

CEYLON — ​​The Ceylon City Council met on Tuesday evening and heard from area representatives that could be resources for the council and city.

The first individual was Celia Simpson, representing the Martin County Economic Development Authority and CEDA. She explained the many resources they have to help cities with support for grant writing and legislative procedures or finding resources for projects like water systems and infrastructure upgrades, redevelopment and demolition grants in which Ceylon is interested.

The second individual was Bolton and Menk Engineer Travis Winter. He explained the information they had since they had helped with the 1980 infrastructure projects like the water treatment plant and reservoir. He had some information about the financial and structure systems in Ceylon from the company’s information. He said the water quality was fine and the system put in in 1980 was working.

“The bones or main structure is good and has been well maintained,” Winter said. The stabilization ponds are doing what they should do, although some concern about the concrete was mentioned by the city. There is also concern about cast iron mains from 1930 and connections to houses and chlorination/filtration upgrades. When he mentioned low-interest loans and grants like technical assistance loans, the city mentioned that they had already started that process. The elimination of lead and galvanized pipes are in good shape since the upgrade in 1980. The population (300+) and the LMI and median household income are in Ceylon’s favor as far as loans and grants are concerned. Winter mentioned the USDA loans instead of the FHWA loans from years ago.

He reminded the council that things take time, especially those that include help from the legislature. He asked that they look at the big picture and plan with a wholistic approach. He gave examples of nearby cities that they had worked with. The council asked questions and discussed concerns with him.

The report from the Fire Association meeting included a need for a side valve on the truck, which would cost $1,300. Other possible equipment would be new radios and repairing or replacing a charger plug. The water rescue was also mentioned, but Ceylon usually asks the Dive Team to do rescue/recover in water situations. The council asked about retirement payments to those who do not attend meetings or fire calls. The report was that those who are not attending have been given a warning, and that seems to have helped. The Fire Relief Association pays the retirement. The council was concerned about those not attending and those attending most of the time being treated the same. No action was taken.

In other business:

— The council approved closing the street west of the Lake Belt Bar and Grill in Ceylon on several dates (April 5, May 24, June 27 and 28) for community events.

— Reports from the city employee included asking about items for the Community Sale or other sales from the baseball field such as bleachers, and possibly lights. The concession stand may be demolished. The slides put in last year at the park are not good quality and need repair. The mayor will contact Helping Hands of Ceylon that put it in.

— There was a bid to put in a grate at the City Shop of $525. That item was tabled for further information.

— The report from the Lake Belt Cemetery annual meeting included that each individual would have a perpetual care amount for upkeep. The rate was also increased; this was tabled until the April council meeting. A new person to dig graves was hired.

— The council discussed approving an engineering concern and decided to wait for some information when nearby cities will be questioned.

— The council scheduled a work session to discuss the engineering companies at 6 p.m. on March 25. Mayor Judith Perkins, attended some sessions by the League of Minnesota Cities and reported favorable comments. She suggested that some council members attend some of the sessions and will give the members a copy of the information she procured at the sessions she attended.

The Ceylon City Council will meet at 6 p.m. April 8, at the City Hall.

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