
Board confirms policy revisions and additions

FAIRMONT — The Fairmont School Board spoke about a school extracurricular in its post-season and policy revisions at its Tuesday meeting.

Opening the meeting, Knowledge Bowl Coach Joelle Thomas and five student representatives recounted the team’s season.

“We have a total of 12 students [on the team], four seniors and our newest recruit, a seventh grader. It’s very exciting,” Thomas began. “We competed in six meets total, each of them taking place during the school day.”

Following Thomas’s introduction, the student members of Knowledge Bowl individually explained the competition process and some members individually expressed their feelings as the competitive season progressed.

“We have one written round and four oral rounds following every tournament. The written round is a 16 question packet and we are given 45 minutes to answer all multiple choice questions. The oral rounds are 45 questions and we compete with two other teams at the same time. It’s similar to Jeopardy,” Dominick Lund-May said.

“You might be wondering, ‘How does [Knowledge Bowl] prepare for a meet?'” Senior Isaac Thomas said. “Usually, our practices consist of one oral round which lasts 30 minutes to one hour.”

“I made so many memories with this team. I feel like more [students] should [join Knowledge Bowl],” said Cailwyn Jobe.

After the presentations, the Knowledge Bowl team provided an immersive experience to the Board with a three-team, 10-question competition that tested their wisdom on United States history, Greek mythology, grammar, language arts, mathematics and additional topics. The mock competition concluded with Knowledge Bowl celebrating victory over the Board.

Returning to the agenda, the Board discussed a revision to Policy 516. The policy concerns student medications and telehealth. Board Member Jen Harris explained there are many addendums to the policy, including regulations of students requiring medical marijuana to make arrangements with primary care provider, written order of a student’s licensed prescriber, written or oral consent from student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) annually or change in prescription, filing of the consent form for medication adminstration during the school day, protection and storage of medications and the self-administering of prescription asthma and reactive airway disease medications.

The Board discussed and approved new policies. The Board approved Policy 510.2, regarding open gymnasium criteria provided by the Minnesota State High School League.

“There is no coaching of skills and techniques of activities provided in the school. There is no requirement to attend open gym activities. And lastly, high school coaches may not participate in games, pickup games, or provide instruction in the skills of a sport or otherwise influence a high school athlete’s participation in an open gym,” President Nicole Green explained.

The Board discussed and approved Policy 705.1, regarding Hunt Fund Allocation Parameters. The Hunt Fund is gifted land from the Hunt family. The policy outlines parameters for the use of proceeds generated from investments related to the Fairmont Area Schools Hunt Farm and Hunt Fund. Fairmont Area Schools has identified that 90 percent of the annual net revenue from the Hunt Fund will be used for student enrichment programs and scholarships. The remaining 10 percent of annual revenues will be reinvested in the Hunt Fund.

In a miscellaneous discussion, the Board approved the employment of Long-term High School Substitute Teacher Bryn Miller and spring coaches, and the retirement of Elementary Teacher Jennifer Diegnau.

“I want to thank Jennifer for her service,” Green said. “Jennifer had a great impact on the students. She filled their hearts and minds with the love of learning. She will be missed.”

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