Fairmont cross off Cyclone speech tournament
FAIRMONT — Sixteen members of the Fairmont Speech Team competed at the “Cyclone Spectacular” on Saturday, March 8 in St. Clair.
In the Varsity Division:
Senior Zoey Tasseff took Third Place in Creative Expression.
Freshman Jazzleene Lopez took Fourth Place in Original Oratory.
Seventh Grader Annabelle Watson took Sixth Place in Original Oratory.
Freshman Michelle Esqiuvel took Sixth Place in Storytelling.
Junior Levi Loughmiller took Eighth Place in Extemporaneous Speaking.
In the Novice Division:
Eighth Grade Reyna Juhl was the Prose Champion.
Eighth Grader Sophia Streit was the Storytelling Champion.
Seventh Grader Collin Reyelts took Second Place in Humorous Interpretation.
Seventh Grader Gwen Edman took Third Place in Storytelling.
Eighth Grader Georgia Werre took Fourth Place in Informative Speaking.
Freshman Bella Coan took Fifth Place in Informative Speaking.
Seventh Grader Isabelle Soelter took Fifth Place in Extemporaneous Speaking.
Seventh Grader Elin Scheppmann took Sixth Place in Informative Speaking.
Eighth Grader Hannah Gries took Sixth Place in Dramatic Interpretation.
Fairmont Speech competes at The Big South Conference Speech Tournament on March 13 and JWP on March 15. The Fairmont Speech Team is coached by Kathleen Walker, Erik Walker and Miles Duffey.