Lions Club breakfast this Sunday
SHERBURN — There are only two more days left in February. Saturday is the first day of March. Ash Wednesday, beginning the Lenten season is March 5, and the Daylight Savings time change is March 9.
The Sherburn Lions Club will have its annual breakfast from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 2, at the Martin County West High School in Sherburn. The cost is a free-will donation and the proceeds will help fund the Sherburn Holiday Festival Parade. The menu includes pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage and beverages. The Lions accept old glasses and hearing aid donations. Plan to attend.
The Sherburn Theatre will not have a movie this weekend.
A Caregivers Support Group meets at 10 a.m. on March 3 at Trinity Lutheran Church in Trimont. Any area caregiver is welcome. CREST will also sponsor a Lunch-n-Learn program at 11 a.m. on March 5 at the Senior Center in Sherburn for senior citizens in Martin County.
The St. John’s Lutheran Friendship Club will show a video of the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter in Kentucky at 2 p.m. on March 3. The Friendship Club is open to all area residents. St. John’s Lutheran Church will also have a MAD (Make a Difference) Day between services (9:15 to 10:15 a.m.) on Sunday, March 9 to do service projects for the Intergenerational Service Projects. Sounds like fun and a good cause too.
The Sherburn City Council will meet at 5 p.m. on March 3 at the City Hall. Public comments and questions will be accepted at the beginning of each meeting. To be on the regular agenda, contact the City Hall prior to the meeting at (507) 764-4491.
Condolences to the families of Lenita Struck and Todd Nowak who passed away recently. They will be missed by family and friends.
An American Red Cross blood drive will be on March 17 at St. Vianney Church in Fairmont and on March 28 at the Live Fit Gym in Fairmont. Call 800-RED-CROSS (800-733-2767) or go to to make an appointment or get further information about blood drives in the area. The Red Cross Coordinators for Trimont and Sherburn have secured three times a year for their blood drive schedules. Trimont had a blood drive in February and Sherburn will have one from 1 to 6 p.m. on April 14. The drives will be several days apart so that donations of blood may be made each time at both Trimont and Sherburn. For example, Trimont June and October and Sherburn August and December. For more information, contact Becky Mulso-Rosenberg at (507) 236-8156 or the other coordinators, Dorothy Janssen and Myrna Peters. Thank you to the coordinators for making locally giving blood easier. Blood is urgently needed so give it if you can. Each unit may save up to three people.