
Sherburn City Council talks policies

SHERBURN — The Sherburn City Council met on Monday evening. Habitat for Humanity asked about dropping the street assessment on a lot at 211 North Prairie Street. The council has a policy that street assessments must be paid and did not want to open a can of worms by approving one request and then not approving others. The council mentioned a plot owned by the city near the townhomes. They council will inform Habitat for Humanity that its request is denied.

In other business:

— The council approved an application for a Tax Abatement from Levi and Morgan Ringnell for a new home at 205 West Third Street in Sherburn. This will help encourage new homes in Sherburn. The application featured the building plans and plans for finances.

— The city hall has had $200 in petty cash at some times and the Clerk reported that they hardly ever need that. If change is to be made for a resident paying a bill sometimes the extra is put on as credit and usually payments are on credit cards. The council agreed to lower the amount for petty cash and will decide the amount needed later.

— One of the Economic Development Association members resigned so a new member needs to be appointed by the city council. Three residents applied for the position and after the council and EDA members reviewed the applications the council approved the appointment of Thomas Carruthers to the EDA group.

— Welcome/Sherburn Police Department Police Chief Trevor Yochim reported to the council that a Police Commission meeting may be held in the middle of February and that the new squad car is being equipped.

— The Clerk’s report mentioned that Public Works is working on the John Deere Mower project, and the clerk and Lisa Lange are working together on the Temperance Lake Ridge projects.

— Andrea Ballard reported that the city lawyer mentioned a funeral home is not included in the city ordinance and must be amended. The other funeral home should also be included in a conditional use permit. This was in answer to a request from Ean Sinn about the First Congregational Church property being renovated into a funeral home at the last council meeting.

The Council approved moving the Feb. 17 meeting to Feb. 18 because of the President’s Day holiday. The next meeting of the Sherburn City Council is scheduled for 5 p.m. on Feb. 18 at City Hall.

The Council went into a closed session.

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