
MCKAH prepares for 16th pack day

ABOVE: A collection of Kids Against Hunger boxes prepared to be loaded on trucks and distributed to hungry communities internationally. Each box contains 216 meals. This year, the box will contain fiesta rice ingredients.

FAIRMONT — Famine among families is a global phenomenon, and Martin County Kids Against Hunger (MCKAH) plans to help combat it. MCKAH is calling all ‘hungry heroes’, and will have its 16th Annual Pack Day from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8 at the National Guard Armory in Fairmont. Volunteers can prepare boxes of the fiesta rice recipes, which includes 216 meals.

Karen Sandhurst is one of four chairpeople for the MCKAH organization, along with Ron Sandhurst, Sue Holman and Klara Ebert, who are all part of a 16-person committee. Sandhurst first began helping MCKAH in 2009 by packing meals into boxes.

“I was just moved from seeing [the packing] for the first time,” she recounted. “Just giving two hours could feed people who are starving. It’s pretty amazing.”

Sandhurst ascended to the role of chairwoman when the MCKAH organization and Pack Day event required a team of new chairpeople, since the predecessors needed to ‘pass the reins’. Without Sandhurst’s assistance, the event was in danger of permanently closing in 2014.

“It’s a way to be a missionary without leaving home. I have a real heart for anybody hungry,” Sandhurst said.

The planning process began in June by securing the venue. In the fall, the organization was required to pay $30,000 to cover the food. To raise money, mailings were sent on Nov. 1, phone calls were made, committee members spoke at local church services, businesses made donations and a special free-will donation pajama day at St. John Vianney also brought in money.

Once the money is raised, volunteers are recruited and registered on the website.

“Getting the workers is sometimes a challenge, but usually by the time the day comes, we get those. I worry about it ahead of time, but God provides, and God has blessed this ministry amazingly. So I do feel the Lord wants us doing it,” Sandhurst said.

MCKAH is closely affiliated with the KAH organization in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Unlike MCKAH, which is a mobile pack, Sioux Falls is a permanent site. KAH in Sioux Falls is responsible for supplying both food and equipment to the MCKAH mobile pack, which will be delivered to Fairmont by a truck from Nebraska.

Along with the significant role of MCKAH chairperson, Sandhurst prizes her job as a Grade 2 teacher at St. John Vianney Catholic School in Fairmont. She mentioned balancing both her teaching career and an MCKAH committee chair position makes her schedule more occupied, especially in January.

“Local people are hurting for food, including families with kids. And being a teacher, I have a special heart for kids.”

Sandhurst isn’t the only one offering a helping hand to starving families. According to Sandhurst, more than 400 people in Martin County assist with Pack Day, including contributions from neighboring states and counties. Approximately 320 of those people are within the 32 teams of 10 individuals.

“Most packers are from Martin County this year, but we have contributions from Iowa, Blue Earth, and Winnebago. There’s a wide age range. Very wide. We have school-age kids all the way through people who are over 90.”

One of the most rewarding experiences for Sandhurst and many packers is receiving photos from donation recipients. Last year, several donations were delivered to families in Haiti. This year, a notable amount of the donations will be delivered to Chad, a country in Central Africa. Several boxes will be delivered to local food shelves in Martin County including Heaven’s Table, Ruby’s Pantry in Granada and Sherburn, Salvation Army, Hope Shop, and new recipient Shepherd’s In. Sandhurst added that there are no qualifications to receive these packages.

She encourages everyone in Martin County to simply give Pack Day a try.

“You’ll be amazed, really. You’ll be feeding someone. There’s some benefit in being part of a team to accomplish something good, you know, do a good work together. It’s inspiring. You get this really good feeling because you know you did something good. People walk away smiling. Tired, but smiling,” Sandhurst said.

MCKAH cannot pack food donations at this time but will accept all financial donations toward Kids Against Hunger. For non-perishable food donations, locate a nearby food shelf. Regarding additional information about Pack Day, to donate or to sign up for the whole event or a two-hour shift, visit kahfairmontmn.weebly.com.

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