
MCW Board talks building plans

SHERBURN — The Martin County West School Board met on Wednesday evening. Superintendent Cori Reynolds reported the building study report and some of the committee members were in attendance. The committee had representatives from every building and more. A printed report was available comparing the two options to fit into two buildings while construction and demolition were done. It also listed what is now used like a map PowerPoint. One option was all in Sherburn and one was to use part of the Trimont School building. Each option showed the pros and cons that could be expected and the estimated costs of $117,000 in Sherburn and $80,000 in Trimont. Sherburn now has 34 rooms and Trimont has 39. Classes may have to be reduced and fit into less room with more students per room, walls may need to be erected and a curtain in the gym to divide space they have now.

The food service will need to reschedule, abbreviate lunch times, and get a walk-in freezer for Trimont. The Physical Education times may have to be reduced to three days in Sherburn, probably no reduction in Trimont. There were concerns about Special Education and Preschool spaces voiced and the integration of 6 Graders with older students and having split classes like High School. In the new school, the 6 Graders would be in the elementary wing. In Sherburn, the art and music teachers would have carts to take to the students’ classrooms while in Trimont, students would have a designated room. There would be a loss of student and teacher lounges and libraries divided to make a space with either option. The Trimont option would reduce the utilities used in Sherburn High School. The Sherburn option would not have shuttles or teachers mileage and the high school students could be used to help the elementary office staff and teachers. The Trimont option would need shuttles and would lose the Sherburn gym but maintain two gyms and the stage area may be used in Trimont. There would be a Robotics space in Trimont.

Activities Director Tom Elliot reported on football field options. The Trimont field could be upgraded, has bleachers, a ticket booth and two exits. The parking would be adequate and there is water available. The goalposts could be moved to Trimont. A press box would need to be rented at $1,000. There are quite a few games planned. The other options include renting a field from nearby towns. He did not have all the information and would get more.

Most of the board favored the Trimont option but asked if another option could be worked out. Members also asked the financial manager if the ‘ballpark’ figures for each option for savings and expenses could be given by March for the 2026 budget plans. The need to reduce costs is felt by all. Before the plans can be brought out at a public meeting, details and evaluations of plans need to be done. The committee has done brainstorming. The board agreed they do not want to be in a ‘bad spot’ financially and must do much planning and evaluating by spring.

Reynolds also reported that the enrollment was 630 and that 48 percent of the budget was used. After doing some annual agenda items like approving the legal counsel, newspaper and depositories, meeting dates and times, and consent agenda items, Financial Manager Dan Schroeder reported on the budget and other fund balances. He reminded the board that it should keep the general and unassigned funds at a 17 percent or $1 million level to be in a good financial position when building the new school. He reported that there should be a $600,000 to $700,000 level above the amount needed. Both he and the board agreed that some many intangibles and things may happen that will need more dollars.

He reminded the board of the five-year plan it reviewed about the budget that may be in 2027 with under 1.5 million in the unassigned fund, reduced salaries, and level state assets and level enrollment were part of that plan.

Reynolds reported some District Celebrations such as Habitat for Humanity moving a house into the school district and plans for the high school students to help remodel it while learning carpentry and construction skills. She also mentioned the students who attended the Dorian Vocal Festival in Decorah, Iowa where almost 900 students learned vocal skills. The Reading skills of every grade in elementary classes improved. Thanks to the teachers and Reading Interventionists.

Two new bus routes are in effect. Two new bus drivers and substitutes were hired. The board continued the meeting by approving the audit report from Clinton, Larson, and Allen LLP; the bus driver agreement for three years; the increase for the operations assistant’s hours; open enrollment; annual budget assignments; and the change of date and time for the next meeting.

After reports the Board went into closed session about property issues.

In other news:

— The Board accepted donations for FFA from Valero, Central Farm Service and Land of Lakes of $500 each and $1,000 from Project 1590. MCW Booster Club gave A $1,192+ donation for gymnastics equipment and the Fox Lake Conservation League gave a $5,000 donation to the Jr. Sr. High Drama group.

The next Martin County West School Board meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 3 (note the change of date and time).

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