
MCW Triple A winner setting records

ABOVE: Barret Scholl was chosen by MCW as their Triple A student, as his time there nears a close.

Sherburn – Martin County West’s (MCW) Triple-A winner Barrett Scholl has looked to better himself and learn from others in all he does.

In the arts, Scholl has played Baritone horn for six years and honor band since last year. He said he was part of the group that received the school’s first superior rating in 12 years. In a band environment, he said large-group dynamics have educated him greatly.

“With a large group of people like that, you have to be on the same page with everyone in that room,” Scholl said. “Not just the conductor, the people sitting right next to you, but the entire group. You have to be on time with the percussion section, woodwinds, brass, everybody. Being in tune and being on time with them.”

Scholl has looked to take the hardest classes possible, including several College In School (CIS) classes. These include physics, chemistry, pre-calc and human anatomy. He said he doesn’t have a perfect GPA, but he prefers what he has now to taking an easier path.

“In everything I want to do, I want to be the best at it,” Scholl said. “I could have the best GPA in the class, but I would have to take easier classes. I wouldn’t feel like I would be getting what I want out of those, which is a great education and a great step forward in life.”

This attitude carries over into athletics. He plays football and track, with past experience in hockey. Scholl is a three-year starter in football and participates in shot put. Football is what Scholl said he thrives in.

“Played both sides of the ball and tried to leave everything out there for my teammates,” he said. “I love football so much. I don’t even know how to describe it. It’s what I live for and live to do.”

Outside of school, Scholl works with his father on his farm. He said he mainly does simple chores. His main passion is weightlifting, which he tries to spend at least an hour daily doing. This has led him to break the school’s bench press and squat records.

From previous school records of 265 and 405, Scholl set them at 315 and 455 respectively. He said he’d hit 335 on bench before, but it wasn’t officially recorded. For Scholl, weightlifting is about being able to see tangible results from the hard work he puts in.

“I get to go out and see the physical results from the effort I’m putting in,” he said. “I get to sit and mull over how I need to get better and plan out what I need to do to achieve the goals I want.”

After school, Scholl wants to play football at the collegiate level. He is currently considering Bethel University as a potential destination but has not decided yet. Academically, he is interested in engineering and eventually taking over his dad’s farm.

Scholl said he is grateful to receive the award, but wishes he and others could have done more.

“I feel like I could have done more to earn it myself,” he said. “It makes me feel like I need to put in effort to get our community to a place where it’s more than me who can accept this award.”

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