Many Halloween events tonight
TRUMAN — Save the Date for a family-friendly Halloween party from 5 to 7 p.m. tonight at Trinity Lutheran Church in Truman. Activities include games, crafts, trick or treating, and snacks. All are welcome.
Come to the Lewisville Legion Adult Halloween costume party from 7 to 11 p.m. tonight.
Daylight savings time is ending. When you go to bed on Saturday night, remember to set your clocks back an hour. Enjoy one extra hour of sleep.
Truman City Council will meet at 5:30 pm on Monday at the Truman Municipal Building. These meetings are open to the public.
Tuesday, Nov. 5 is Election Day. Truman residents can vote from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at 101 E. Ciro St. entering through the west door. Richard “Buzzy” Becker, Sarah Chambers and Jake Ebert are running for mayor as a write-in candidate.
Trinity Lutheran Church youth will serve supper on election night Tuesday, Nov. 5 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. The menu includes homemade chili, baked potato with all the fixings, and beverages for a free-will donation. The meal has been an election night tradition for many years, and many community people from all churches have attended. Come for a great meal and community fellowship.
Wednesday is recycling day. Recycling containers should be curbside by 7 a.m. Be sure all items are clean, and the cardboard is broken down.
The Truman Pride meeting will be held at 6 p.m., Nov. 6, at the Truman School. Pride in our school, pride in our students, pride in our future. Get involved and help Truman Schools succeed. All are welcome.
Happy Birthday to Doris Schweiger on Nov. 3. Cards can be sent to Schweiger at Temperance Lake Ridge, 410 E Fox Lake Ave, Sherburn, Minn. 56171.
Happy Birthday to Ginger Halverson on Nov. 11. Cards can be sent to Halverson at 2276 240th Ave, Truman, Minn. 56088.
Congratulations to our granddaughter, Audrey Hendricksen, for winning the symposium heifer at the Minn. Youth Beef Expo. 4-H is good for “building character in our youth.”