Council considers Railroad Street
CEYLON — The Ceylon City Council met on Tuesday evening and there was a discussion about the fire debris on Railroad Street. The ordinance violation has been posted and no electricity or water is connected to the property. The Council approved getting bids to remove the vehicles and then the debris. Some other fire debris was discussed and will be dealt with later. The rate increase for water and sewer was discussed since the city is losing money with low utility rates. The Council approved raising the rate by $5 for each so that the water rate would be $25, and the sewer rate would be $23 beginning Jan. 1, 2025.
Moving to other matters, The campers used for year-round living in Ceylon are against the ordinance and no electricity and water are hooked up to them and they may not use generators according to the ordinance.
The City will ask law enforcement to enforce the ordinance. An update to the investment report was given. The investment is going well and the Council approved working one month at a time. The next action will be due in March.
In other business:
— The public comments concerned a question about two electric meters for heat pump residents. The Council said they would investigate how charges are done and also ask REA.
— The contract for an auditor was tabled. Only one firm replied with a quote, Clifton Larson Allen LLP. The Council will review the proposal and discuss it at the next meeting. The annual insurance waiver was approved.
— The 2025 Budget was reviewed with an 11 percent rate.
— A building permit for an addition was approved. The City employee report included four shut-off valves to be dealt with and several reasons why they’re incomplete (due to no shut-off valve visible, cement on top of the valve, etc.) There will be a need for law enforcement help to enter the house in some cases. Hydrants will be flushed next week. Beemer will be using a camera to see where water problems are.
— The Council approved getting two bids for new skid loader tires.
— The Council reports included the rent for the tractor from International was the same as last year at $5 an hour and the rent was approved.
— A request to change the Clean Up Day to a fall date was approved. This next year (2025) will be a trial date to see if residents recycle often in the fall.
— John Gibeau agreed to attend the Fire Association meeting instead of Lon Oelke this Monday.
— The FEMA applications about the June flooding were discussed. There is a grant also that may be applied for dealing with infrastructure. Some of the trouble was concerning the County Tile in Ceylon.
The next meeting of the Ceylon City Council is scheduled for 6 p.m. Nov. 12 at the City Hall.