Burn site open this Saturday
WELCOME — There will be an American Red Cross blood drive from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. today, Aug. 9, at Live Fit Gym in Fairmont. There will also be blood drives from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 23, at the American Legion, 300 Downtown Plaza in Fairmont, and from Sept. 3-4 at the Best Western in Fairmont. To make an appointment or check out locations and times of blood drives in the area, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767), go online to www.redcrossblood.org or text BLOODAPP to 90999. Blood is urgently needed now so give if you are able..
The Welcome burn site will be open 8 a.m to noon Saturday, Aug. 10. Remember only wood 6 inches in diameter or less is to be brought to the site. No garbage, please. Thank you.
There will be a triple anniversary celebration from 1-4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 10, at the Sinn Family Celebration of Life Center in Trimont. Congratulations to Gerald and Joanne Tumbleson (60th), Ken and Anita Tumbleson (58th) and Linus and Sharon Tumbleson (59th). Your presence will be their gifts.
Congratulations also to Evelyn (Abel) Koons Altman who will celebrate her 95th birthday on Aug. 18. Cards will reach her at P.O. Box 84, Welcome, MN 56181. Our wish is for many more birthdays, Evelyn.
Condolences to the family of Robert Cook who passed away recently. He will be missed by family and friends.
There will be Sundaes in the Park beginning 6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 11, at Memorial Park in Trimont. Musical entertainment will be by Steve Lang.
Tuesday coffee hours for August continue from 8:30-10 a.m. on Aug. 13, at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Sherburn. Join friends and neighbors for good coffee and great fellowship there each Tuesday in August.
Welcome Legion will meet 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 12, at the Welcome Legion Hall. All members are urged to attend.
Martin County West (MCW) School is planning to begin on Sept. 3 for grades 7-12 and for all grades on Sept. 5. Online registration is open now. The final day for the pool at the Sherburn Elementary School is from 1-4 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 11. Swimmers may check websites for St. James, Truman and Fairmont outdoor pools and Jackson County Central or Estherville pool at the Regional Wellness Center.
Upcoming news includes a Lunch & Learn program from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Aug. 21, at First Lutheran Church in Trimont, followed by a lunch. This is a free program for anyone in Martin County. They appreciate a free will donation for the lunch.
Welcome is looking for a new city clerk due to the resignation of the newly elected city clerk. Apply at Welcome City Hall during the month of August. Their phone number is (507) 728-8740.