Legion meeting on Monday
WELCOME — With the month of September comes the beginning of the school year. Please watch for excited children who may not be watching traffic carefully and obey all stop sign arms on the buses.
Sunday School begins 9 a.m. on Sept. 10 at Waverly Lutheran Church north of Welcome. Also for the month of September, Circle of Faith parishes will have Sunday services at 9 a.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church in Welcome and 10:30 a.m. at First Lutheran Church in Trimont.
There will be a Lake Promenaders Square Dance event beginning 6 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 10, at the Shaw home located at 804 W. First St. in Welcome. Join them for fun.
Welcome senior citizens will meet for a noon potluck Monday, Sept. 11, at the Welcome Legion Hall. Bring a dish to pass and your own utensils. Any senior citizen in the area is welcome to join them the first Monday of the month. They needed to postpone this meeting
because the first Monday was Labor Day. Food, fun and fellowship are offered monthly.
Welcome Legion meeting is scheduled 7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 11, at the legion hall in Welcome. All members are urged to attend.
Tuesday coffee hours for September continue from 8:30-10 a.m. Sept. 12, at St. Paul United Church of Christ in Welcome. Join friends and neighbors for coffee, goodies and great fellowship each Tuesday in September.
Sherburn Civic and Commerce Club are planning a Deck the Halls Christmas Tree and Vendor Fair event from 1-7 p.m. Dec. 2, at the Sherburn Community Building. The contact person is Mary Studer. You can reach her by mail at 102 Main St., Sherburn, MN 56171, call her at (507) 435-5996 or email her at rogmary@midco.net. It was a fun event last year with many trees decorated and vendors galore. Get in on the fun.