
BEA Board tackles financial matters

BLUE EARTH– The Blue Earth Area School Board faced one of its longest agendas in some time, but took care of a lot of business in a couple of hours time during its meeting on Monday.

Many of the items had to do with finances of the BEA District.

Nate Carr of the Faribault County Soil and Water Conservation District gave an update on an FFA project where the FFA students take care of planting and harvesting a farm field located just south of the BEA Football field.

Donations cover much of the cost of the farm field project, except for some things like crop insurance.

“There is a revenue guarantee that is at $26,000,” Carr said. “That could be used for such things as scholarships for FFA students.”

Carr said the program is expected to continue into the next year, with a new Ag teacher on board at BEA this next school year.

Fiscal Services director Alan Wilhelmi gave a report on the updated budget for fiscal year 2024.

“We had a preliminary proposed budget for you back in March,” Wilhelmi said. “Now this updated budget needs to be approved before July 1.”

The board approved it.

It also approved a Long Term Facilities Management Plan that had been presented to the board by Al Gieser, supervisor of Buildings and Grounds.

The plan covers the next 10 years.

In other business at the meeting, the BEA Board:

— Approved an updated Principal Master Agreement with the high school and middle school/elementary school principals and a behavioral specialist.

— Approved bids for fuel, softener salt, waste removal, snow removal and fuel oil.

— Approved acceptance of donations of $4,654.80 from Nelson Farms of Blue Earth for activities and $18,371 from Steven Erdahl for a new wrestling mat.

— Heard the Q Comp annual report from staff member Brenda Smith.

— Approved memberships in the Minnesota State High School League and the Minnesota Rural Education Association.

— Went into closed session to do the evaluation of the performance of the superintendent. The results of the evaluation will be announced at the July School Board meeting.

— Approved many personnel items, including: new hires Nick Milbrandt as high school Ag teacher and Elise Volz as high school biology teacher; resignations from Travis Armstrong (high school science teacher), Mathias Sturtz (elementary/middle school dean of students), Sara Rothmeier (elementary teacher), Pam Curtiss (paraprofessional), Carissa Maday (high school math), Janelle Jacobsen (high school language art) and Jon Traetow (elementary teacher); contracts with LeAnne Scholl (transportation coordinator), Karen Hougen (accountant), Al Gieser (supervisor of buildings and grounds), Allison Schmidt (director of curriculum), Shannon Swanson (Community Education director) and Travis Armstrong (activities director/dean of students).

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