


MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Elijah L. Vlieger, 21, of Granada was convicted of second-degree assault-dangerous weapon; fined $2,260, sentenced to jail 180 days, credit for time served three days, sentenced to correctional facility 21 months, stay for five years, supervised probation five ...


MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Ryan W. Krosch, 51, of Good Thunder; fined $125; Berny O. Esquivel Rosales, 20, of Fairmont; fined $145. Driving after revocation — Devyn C. Hermel, 22, of Janesville; fined $285. Seat belt required-driver and passengers must use — Barry J. ...


MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Maeson L. Olson, 16, of Fairmont; fined $125; Fernando T. Vasquez Cardona, 19, of Sioux Falls, S.D.; fined $225. Driving after revocation — Ryan D. Johnson, 45, of Albert Lea; fined $285. Steven R. Schrunk, 21, of Truman was convicted of ...


MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Darren G. Battick, 45, of Daytona Beach, Fla.; fined $125; Kashis C. Dilks-Smith, 26, of Fairmont; fined $225. Operate unregistered vehicle/without plates on public streets/highway — Colby L. Leiding, 19, of Fairmont; fined $185. Fishing-extra ...


MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Display cancelled/stolen/revoked plates — Angelina Marrero Murillo, 35, of Fairmont; fined $385. Failure to obey traffic control device — Linette M. Sundblad, 56, of Fairmont; fined $135. Instruction permit violation-person 18 years or older-requirement ...


MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Laynie A. Loring, 21, of Huntley, Ill.; fined $125. Failure to use seatbelt — Sue A. Sigg, 66, of Hollandale, Wis.; fined $110. No front plate foreign state if state requires it — Curtis L. Watson, 70, of Green Bay, Wis.; fined $185. Failure ...