



Failure to obey traffic control device — Joseph J. Zebedee, 88, of Alpha; fined $160.

School bus-stop signal extended/right lights flashing/other drivers to stop 20 feet away and not move until stop signal is retracted and red lights are no longer flashing — Claire K. Brockmann, 18, of Granada; fined $235.

Kayla N. Mekosch, 30, of Fairmont was convicted of collision with unattended vehicle-notify victim or police; sentenced to jail 10 days, stay 10 days for one year, unsupervised probation one year, no same or similar, pay restitution if ordered. Received an additional charge of uninsured vehicle-owner violation; dismissed.

Janie J. Long, 57, of Granite Falls was convicted of uninsured vehicle-owner violation; fined $75, sentenced to jail 30 days, stay 30 days for one year, unsupervised probation one year, no same or similar, pay restitution in the amount of $529.40, if no objection to the restitution amount within 30 days, the amount will become part of the sentencing order. Received an additional charge of collision with unattended vehicle-notify victim or police; dismissed.

Mason R. Kelley, 18, of Willmar, was convicted of liquor consumption by persons under 21; fined $335, sentenced to jail 30 days, stay 26 days for one year, credit for time served four days, unsupervised probation one year, no same or similar. Received additional charges of fleeing a peace officer in a motor vehicle, underage drinking and driving-crime described, liquor possession by person under 21, and speeding-exceed posted speed in special zone set by commissioner; each dismissed.



Roel Gallardo, 49, of Wells was convicted of driving after revocation; fined $285. Also convicted of speeding; fined $60.

Michael J. Merten III, 51, of Walters was convicted of fourth-degree assault-peace officer-throws/transfer bodily fluids or feces at or onto officer; fined $910, sentenced to jail 30 days, credit for time served four days, sentenced to correctional facility 13 months, stay for three years, supervised probation three years, follow all recommendations of evaluation, follow all recommendations of comprehensive use assessment dated 1/13/125 including aftercare, mental health evaluation, follow all recommendations, no alcohol or controlled substance use with the exception of prescribed medications, no possession of alcohol or drugs with the exception of prescribed medication, random testing, do not enter bar or liquor stores, do not enter any establishment that has the sale of alcohol as its primary business without documented approval of the agent/designee, no assault or threatening behavior, cognitive skill training, complete as directed by supervising agent, follow all State and Federal criminal laws, cooperate with the search of your person, residence, vehicle, workplace, property, and things as directed by your probation officer, sign releases of information as directed, do not use or possess firearms, ammunition, or explosives, give a DNA sample when directed, obtain permission from agent before leaving the state.

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