



Vanessa Y. Guerra, 30, of Fairmont was convicted of driving after revocation; fined $285. Also convicted of operating a motor vehicle without proof of insurance; fined $200.

Rody Larios Pol, 33, of Memphis, Tenn. was convicted of uninsured vehicle-driver violation; fined $200. Also convicted of driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type; fined $185. Also convicted of failing to stop at stop signs or stop lines at entrance to through highway; fined $50.

Stephen N. Glynn, 38, of Daytona Beach, Fla. was convicted of trespassing-returning to property within one year; sentenced to jail 90 days, stay 85 days for one year, credit for time served five days, sentenced to service two days for indeterminate, unsupervised probation one year, do not enter additional locations, no misdemeanor violations, no violations of the law of a misdemeanor level or greater, no alcohol or controlled substance use with the exception of prescribed medications, no possession of alcohol or drugs with the exception of prescribed medication, random testing.



Speeding — James J. Garcia Velez, 21, of Fairmont; Wyatt J. Duben, 22, of Delavan; both fined $125; Alexander P. Mueller, 38, of White Bear Lake; fined $225; Amber L. Wrucke, 34, of Mapleton; fined $285.

Child passenger-age four or older-booster seat/safety belt — Shawna N. Patton, 41, of Shingle Springs, Calif.; fined $135.

Must carry proof of insurance when operating a motor vehicle — Dustin D. Neitzel, 51, of Ceylon; fined $285.

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