Speeding — Malayna L. Johnson, 16, of Winnebago; fined $125.
Driving after revocation — Lee C. D. Raverty, 45, of Welcome; fined $285.
Muhamed Nabeel, 21, of Dubai was convicted of speeding; fined $230. Received additional charges of unsafe lane usage on laned highway and failure to use seatbelt; both dismissed.
Dana A. Riemer, 60, of Fairmont was convicted of disorderly conduct-brawling or fighting; fined $185, sentenced to jail 30 days, stay 30 days for one year, unsupervised probation one year, no disorderly conduct, no disorderly or assaultive behavior.
Dustin A. Sweeney, 41, of Dunnell was convicted driving while impaired-operate a motor vehicle-any amount schedule I/II drugs/metabolite-not cannabis/hemp; fined $685, sentenced to jail 0 days, stay 88 days for one year, credit for time served two days, unsupervised probation one year, no misdemeanor violations, no violations of the law of a misdemeanor level or greater, complete comprehensive assessment, no alcohol or controlled substance use with the exception of prescribed medications, no possession of alcohol or drugs with the exception of prescribed medication, random testing, attend MADD Impact Panel. Also convicted of trespassing-return to property within one year; fined $160, sentenced to jail 90 days, stay 88 days for one year, credit for time served two days, unsupervised probation one year, no misdemeanor violations, no violations of the law of a misdemeanor level or greater, do not enter additional locations, do not enter the 5 Lakes Center Mall in Fairmont. Received an additional charge of fourth-degree intentional damage to property-other circumstances; dismissed.
Driving after suspension — Jasmin D. Rosales Lopez, 22, of Fairmont; fined $285.
Operate a motor vehicle with expired registration — Miranda E. Larsen, 34, of Blue Earth; fined $115.