Speeding — Mark J. Sullivan, 64, of Madison, S. D.; fined $125.
Operate motor vehicle with expired registration — Sebastian J. Cordova, 34, of Fairmont; fined $115.
Dog/cat at large-first offense — Carla R. Sorenson Harvey, 54, of Fairmont; fined $135.
Open package of cannabis in motor vehicle-not compliant packaging or container — Eris N. Owen, 18, of Fairmont; fined $235.
Moises Lopez Cruz, 22, of Fairmont was convicted of operating a motor vehicle without proof of insurance; fined $200. Also convicted of driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type; fined $185.
Bradley J. Arnold, 39, of Sherburn was convicted of hunting/fishing-taking wild animals while license privileges are revoked; fined $445. Also convicted of fishing-extra line; fined $75.
Speeding — Kevin M. Matsui, 54, of Farmington; Michael G. Larson, 52, of West Des Moines, Iowa; both fined $125.
Richard Longoria Jr., 30, of Elmore was convicted of second-degree driving while impaired-two or more aggravating factors; fined $690, sentenced to jail 364 days, stay 274 days for two years, sentenced to jail 30 days, sentenced to jail 30 days, sentenced to jail 30 days, sentenced to service one day for 90 days, supervised probation two years, follow recommendations of evaluation, follow all recommendations of the comprehensive assessment, if treatment is recommended, enroll in and complete said treatment and all follow up recommendations, no alcohol or controlled substance use with the exception of prescribed medications, no possession of alcohol or drugs with the exception of prescribed medication, random testing, attend MADD Impact Panel and complete within 90 days, take medications in the prescribed dosage and frequency, cognitive skill training, complete as directed by agent, follow all State and Federal criminal laws, cooperate with the search of your person, residence, vehicle, workplace, property, and things as directed by your probation officer, sign releases of information as directed, do not use or possess firearms, ammunition, or explosives. Received additional charges of driving after revocation, driver must carry proof of insurance when operating vehicle, operating vehicle with expired registration, and speeding; each dismissed.