Driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type — Angel Hernandez Rodas, 36, of Fairmont; fined $185.
Nathaniel C. Hudson, 39, of Indianapolis, Ind., was convicted of domestic assault-intentionally inflict/attempt to inflict bodily harm; fined $75, sentenced to jail 55 days, credit for time served 55 days. Received additional charges of interrupting/interfering/impeding/disrupting a 911 call and driving after cancellation; both dismissed.
Marta L. Gomes, 26, of Fairmont was convicted of driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type; fined $135, sentenced to jail 10 days, stay 10 days for six months, unsupervised probation six months, do not drive without a valid license, no violations of the law. Also convicted of giving a peace officer a false name/birthdate/ID card; fined $50.
Speeding in special zone set by commissioner — Ethan M. Knox, 19, of Austin; fined $135.
Elizabeth A. Fries, 64, of Elysian received a stay of adjudication for driving after cancellation-inimical to public safety; fined $175, unsupervised monitoring without conviction six months, no same or similar. Received additional charges of driving restriction-driving/operating/controlling motor vehicle without ignition interlock, failure to drive in a single lane, and turning at intersection-right turn violation; each dismissed.
Jason L. Post, Sr., 50, of Worthington, was convicted of second-degree driving while impaired-refusal to submit to chemical test; fined $715, sentenced to jail 364 days, stay 334 days for two years, credit for time served 18 days, supervised probation two years, comprehensive assessment, no alcohol or controlled substance use with the exception of prescribed medications, no possession of alcohol or drugs with the exception of prescribed medication, random testing, attend MADD Impact Panel, follow all state and federal criminal laws, cooperate with the search of your person, residence, vehicle, workplace, property, and things as directed by your probation officer, sign releases of information as directed. Received additional charges of driving after revocation and open bottle law-drinking and consumption; both dismissed.