Speeding — Mackinzi M. Desbiens, 32, of Arnolds Park, Iowa; Arbnore N. Vokshi Morina, 58, of Oak Creek, Wis.; Sherry E. Haley, 46, of Alpha; each fined $125; Michelle P. Hunt, 64, of Gibsons. British Columbia; fined $135; Sarah N. Hively, 45, of Chicago, Illi.; fined $145.
Snow emergency — Carver S. Rohman, 20, of Trimont; fined $122.
Front and rear license plates requires — John J. Jackson, 29, of Hopkins; fined $115.
Syrus W. Givens, 43, of Mitchell, S. Dak. waa convicted of operating a motor vehicle without proof of insurance; fined $200. Also convicted of operating a motor vehicle with a Minnesota driver’s license; fined $185.
Speeding — Karl A. Johnson, 45, of Faribault; fined $125; Dayle J. Christiansen, 46, of Red Wing; fined $145.
Drinking and driving — Bryce J. Mastin, 46, of Blue Earth; fined $185.
Move over/pass authorized vehicle — William D. Kenyon, 64, of Thompson Falls, Mont.; fined $135.
Failure to possess/display driver’s license upon request — Brenda L. Martinez, 34, of Blue Earth; fined $105.
Instruction permit violation-18 years or older — Kaden J. Engebretson, 20, of Wells; fined $135.
Jacob D. Barber, 28, of Winnebago was convicted of speeding; fined $145. Also convicted of having a window tint with less than 50% light transmittance; fined $50.
Danial L. Stolp, 48, of Winnebago was convicted of driving while impaired-alcohol concentration 0.08 within two hours; fined $515, sentenced to jail 364 days, stay 363 days for two years, credit for time served one day, supervised probation two years, complete comprehensive assessment, no alcohol or controlled substance use with the exception of prescribed medications, no possession of alcohol or drugs with the exception of prescribed medication, random testing, attend MADD Impact Panel, follow all state and federal criminal laws, cooperate with the search of your person, residence, vehicle, workplace, property, and things as directed by your probation officer, sign releases of information as directed, remain law-abiding.