
People and Events

Activate brain’s creativity with Janice Novak

Janice Novak will teach breathing patterns and acupressure to activate the brain’s creativity at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 18, in a Zoom meeting. The class will do ancient breathing patterns to activate the right side of your brain. The class will do acupressure points that offer instant clarity and calm. Registration is required, costs $29, closes today, March 14, and can be completed on the CER webstore. For additional information, contact CER at (507) 235-3141.

Fairmont Soccer Flower Fundraiser opens orders

The Fairmont Soccer Flower Fundraiser is back. Brighten your garden and home by ordering flowers and vegetables. The sale runs from March 10 to April 18, and orders can be placed online at https://www.pahls.com/spring-fundraiser/?ref=108. Paper order forms are available on the Fairmont Soccer Association’s website and Facebook page. Flower pickup is scheduled for 9 to 11 a.m. on Saturday, May 10, at the Martin County Arena. For additional information, contact fsaflowersales@hotmail.com or Lori Hansen at (507) 236-8425.

CER offers instant piano lessons

Piano lessons will be held from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Monday, March 24, in a Zoom meeting. Learn to play piano the way professionals do using chords. The class includes the online book, online follow-up lessons, a recording of the class, and an optional periodic question and answer session. The class is partly hands-on instruction and lecture demonstration. This class is for individuals age 13 and up. Registration is required, costs $69, closes March 17, and can be completed on the CER webstore. For additional information, contact CER at (507) 235-3303.

Fairmont Service Club to meet

The Fairmont Service Club will hold its weekly meeting at noon on Tuesday, March 18, at the Best Western Hotel in Fairmont. The featured speaker will be Jen Kahler from Kinship. Guests are always welcome. For additional information, contact Gary Schaub at (507) 236-6701.

CER offers instant guitar lessons

Guitar lessons will be held from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25, in a Zoom meeting. This crash course will teach students basic chords and how to play along with their favorite songs. The class includes the online book, online follow-up video lessons, a recording of the class, and an optional periodic question and answer session. The class is partly hands-on instruction and lecture demonstration. This class is for individuals age 13 and up. Registration is required, costs $69, closes March 18, and can be completed on the CER webstore. For additional information, contact CER at (507) 235-3303.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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