People and Events
Movie Monday at the Library
Movie Monday will be at 1 p.m. on Monday, March 17, at the Martin County Library in Fairmont. The library will show “Breaking Away.” Popcorn and water will be served. There is no cost to attend, and pre-registration is not required. For additional information, contact the Martin County Library at (507) 238-4207.
Ruby Pantry distribution Monday
Ruby’s Pantry drive-through distribution will be from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Monday, March 17, at 2 Crossroads Drive in Sherburn. One bundle is $25. Pre-pay is available. There are no income or residential guidelines. For additional information, visit the Ruby’s Pantry Facebook page.
Library pieces together Lego Club
Lego club will be at 5 p.m. Monday, March 17, at the Martin County Library in Fairmont. This program is for children in kindergarten to sixth grade. All supplies are provided. There is no cost to attend, and pre-registration is not required. For additional information, contact the Martin County Library at (507) 238-4207.
College News
Makayla Javers and Raquel Vaughn of Fairmont and Max Olson of Sherburn have been named to the Gustavus Adolphus College 2024 Fall Semester Dean’s List.