People and Events
Mini Monday at the Library
Come for stories and playtime during Mini Monday at 10 a.m. on March 10 at the Martin County Library in Fairmont. Mini Monday is for children ages birth to five and an adult caregiver. The additional date is April 14. There is no cost to attend this program, and pre-registration is not required. For additional information, contact the Martin County Library in Fairmont at (507) 238-4207.
Hospital employees/retirees to meet Monday
Fairmont Community Hospital retirees and employees will gather for lunch at 11 a.m. on Monday, March 10, at The Ranch restaurant in Fairmont. All employees and retirees are asked and encouraged to attend. For additional information, contact Kathleen Jorgensen at (507) 236-3184.
PSQG to meet Monday
The Prairie Star Quilt Guild will meet at 1:30 p.m. on Monday, March 10, at the Fairmont Evangelical Covenant Church in Fairmont. The Quilt Board will meet at 12:30 pm. The program will include two demonstrations presented by guild members, and a Sew and Share will follow the meeting. For additional information, contact Prairie Star Quilt Guild President Kathy Wilkening at (507) 776-4255.
Prairie Planetarium at the Library
Prairie Ecology Bus Center brings its portable Prairie Planetarium to Fairmont at 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. on Monday, March 10, at the Martin County Library in Fairmont. There will be two shows. Space is limited to 35 people per show, and you must be in third grade or older to enter the planetarium alone. There is no cost to attend this program, and pre-registration is not required. For additional information, contact the Martin County Library in Fairmont at (507) 238-4207.