
People and Events

Sportsman Club sets shooting event

East Chain Sportsman’s Club will hold a trap shoot event beginning noon Sunday, Sept. 8, at the club located a half-mile north of East Chain on 254th Avenue. They will be shooting practice rounds, then 16-yard and 25-yard Oakley’s and Boondocks. All shooters are welcome. The grill will be on all day. For more information, contact Moby at (507) 236-4189. Everyone is welcome.

CREST Lunch & Learn Monday in Fairmont

Mission work around the world continues to impact lives. Whether it’s providing clean water, Bible teaching, or helping families with various issues, many people from our area come back blessed after going on a short term missions trip. The next CREST Lunch & Learn will take place 11 a.m. Monday, Sept. 9, at the CREST office, 820 Winnebago Ave. in Fairmont. The program will be presented by Kathy Rippentrop, who has done mission work through the Sowers program. A lunch featuring pork chops, garden produce, and an apple dessert will be served following the presentation. Topics and menu are subject to change. If you would like to attend this event, please RSVP the CREST office at (507) 235-3833. This activity is open to seniors in Martin County and a free-will donation is always welcome.

Prairie Star Quilters to meet Monday

The Prairie Star Quilt Guild will get together for ‘Christmas in September’ Monday, Sept. 9, at the Fairmont Evangelical Covenant Church, 901 Woodland Ave. in Fairmont. Social hour will begin at 5 p.m. with a potluck meal at 5:30 p.m. For entertainment, all members are asked to bring six (6) 2 1/2” by WOF of Christmas/winter-themed fabrics for a game they will play. They are also extending their Trash to Treasure for “Free Will” sale. They will also be drawing the winner of their fabulous Opportunity Quilt. If you haven’t signed up, please RSVP to President Elisa Kotewa at (507) 236-3144.

Play Cafe Tuesday at library

Play Café will meet 10 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 10, at the Fairmont Library, 110 N. Park St. in Fairmont. Join library staff to explore and play at the library. This activity is for children, newborn to 5, and their caregivers. There is no cost to attend and no need to register. For questions, call the library at (507) 238-4207.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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