Cards rebuild year turned into playoff success
Rohman reflects on career after third-place finish at Nationals
FAIRMONT — Now that Jaxson Rohman has finished his collegiate wrestling career with a third-place finish in the NCAA Division II Championships ...
Is it time for a new jail yet?
During a recent work session to discuss the proposed Martin County Justice Center, Chief Deputy Corey Klanderud said he believed that the conversation of a new jail ...
Proper communication could improve morale
Former Fairmont city employee, Peter Bode, is the most recent in a string of city employees over the last few years to have resigned citing ...
Readers’ Views
Consider supporting local non-profits To the editor: What are you doing Saturday, April 5th? If you replied, “Nothing,” consider checking out the Knights of ...
Readers’ Views
MCW School District concerns To the editor: I write this letter to address the growing concerns I have in regards to the development plans for ...
Meyers to celebrate 70th anniversary
Tromanhausers to celebrate 70th anniversary
Andersons celebrate 70 years
Sharon L. Reiter
FAIRMONT — Funeral Service for Sharon L. Reiter, 88, of Fairmont, Minn., will be at 1:30 p.m. on Monday, March 24, at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Fairmont. ...